How do I rate or review my stay through the Bobobox App (Android)?
Method 1
You can immediately review your stay experience after checking out via Bobobox application (after 10 am). Here's how to check out and rate your stay right away.
Scroll down the page and click “Ready to check out?”
Click "Check out" if it is available
You will be directed to the stay experience rating page
Method 2
On the home page, you will see your unreviewed stay history. You can rate your stay experience within 30 days after check-out day.
Method 3
Open My Stay page and open your stay history. You can rate your stay there. Review options will be available within 30 days after check-out day.
Guide to rate and review stays at Bobopod and Bobocabin:
You can fill in how much you would recommend staying at Bobopod or Bobocabin from numbers 1-10 to friends or family.
Then, you can choose what you like (9-10), what needs to be improved (7-8), and what you don't like (0-6) during your stay
You are free to write any feedback you experience during your stay. We will be delighted to receive input and your shared stay experience.
Finished. Thank you very much for reviewing your stay at Bobopod and Bobocabin!