How do I make a payment via the Jenius Pay e-Wallet?
You can make payments through e-Wallet JeniusPay in the following ways:
How to use Jenius Pay to pay via Android mobile apps
On the payment page, click the payment method column to select the payment method you want
There are various payment methods, choose e-Wallet Jenius Pay
Click “Pay” to continue the payment process
Check the box to agree to the applicable terms and conditions and click "Continue Payment
There is a column to fill in your JeniusPay cashtag
Input your cashtag and click the "Continue Payment" button to continue the payment process
Open your Jenius application. Double-check the bill amount and pay.
How to use Jenius Pay to pay via iOS mobile apps
On the payment page, click the payment method column to select the payment method you want
There are various payment methods, choose e-Wallet Jenius Pay
Click “Pay” to continue the payment process
Check the box to agree to the applicable terms and conditions and click "Continue Payment
There is a column to fill in your Jenius Pay cashtag
Input your cashtag and click the "Continue Payment" button to continue the payment process
Open your Jenius application. Double-check the bill amount and pay.
How to use Jenius Pay to pay via Website
On the payment page, click the plus (+) icon next to e-money payment method option
There are various payment methods in e-money, choose Jenius Pay
Input your phone number that you use for Jenius Pay
Click "Bayar" button to continue the payment process
Check the box to agree to the applicable terms and conditions and click "Bayar"
Open your Jenius application. Check the bill amount and make payment.